Thx, Donna. 🥰🙏

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That was awesome, CK! 💕

Mine would be, “badass middle-aged chick, looking for someone she can boss around, and fetch her a cup of tea. I enjoy shopping alone, being alone, and want someone who doesn’t talk during movies. Looking for someone independent who likes to stand out in a crowd, because I will also be very visible and noticeable, but isn’t afraid to give me the spotlight.”

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Alone time is so important! I love mine. I suppose all writers do.

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I suggested to my husband (of 44 years) that separately we each fill out a dating profile and then see if an app would match us up! Never got around to it.

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Love that idea!! Congrats on 44 years! 👏

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An interesting idea might be to check compatibility of data profiles every couple years or so .... things change!

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I would totally date you for the film critiques alone!

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Hehe. Get out the popcorn.

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I always read the “him seeking her” and “her seeking him” ads at the back of our local German free newspaper and quite a few of them basically resemble this. They’re mostly people 70+. The biggest difference is the men often will have some line like, “I’m 74, looking for a woman 45-55.” 🤣

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Look up Andy Huggins. He’s a senior stand up and hilarious.

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Thanks for the recommendation! I’ll look him up!

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That’s hilarious and sweet. What a great idea for one of these huge senior enclaves in FL.

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Hahaha. Good one! Mine might say something like, “SWF, often bitchy, but only to the ones I love most. If you plan on decorating the house with your dirty socks, do not apply.” LOL

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Haha. Love it. I’m guessing you don’t have a teenage boy. Hehe.

And if you come to bed with socks on block me.

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No kids here. Just a lovely boyfriend. Hehe. Oooo… I wear socks to bed. LOL

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It'd be the good parking karma for me :)

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Imagine our parking spot if we went somewhere together!

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Me too! 😂 100% Match... Best date ever!!!

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My wifey. I always wanted one. 🤣

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Hahahaha!!! I would seriously date you. Match made in Heaven.

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You, me and Alisa can be each other’s wifeys.

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I laughed at every line of this but my fav was that your favorite thing to do in bed is read🤣🤣🤣 Me too!!! I'm not sure what my profile would say but I know it wouldn't be this funny. Well done.

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Thx, Donna. Yours would be, I may crack up at your jokes but don’t ask me to crack your back. And, Let’s meditate. I’ll go in the other room.

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Haha! You're amazing that this is top of mind. I love it!

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Clever and funny. I laughed hardest at "I can bend down, not over."

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Hehe. The latter kills the back.

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“We can take a romantic walk… down the driveway… to get the mail.” 😂

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We’ve done this. But at least we have a long driveway.

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Good one CK. I wouldn't dare write this. There's some things my wife doesn't find funny : )

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True. There are a few unfunny aspects to aging. Sigh.

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The movie "Must Love Dogs"

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Except for "old dogs."

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Ours recently had his first procedure ever and it was minor. He is 17. I hope you dog is doing well.

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Awww. Hope he’s healing well.

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That would definitely be my dating profile, but my wife says no plus potential dates need to understand you will get sleepy when the sun goes down also we eat supper before the sun goes down

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Early dinners are underrated.

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I see you’ve been reading my profile. lol

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