One more note about aging. Or not. I have a grandson who is 50 years younger than me and I used to tell my wife (okay, we're not legally married) that the only difference between him and me is 50 years, to which she'd reply, "True, and he's the mature one." I proudly owned that. I have never understood the benefit of growing up and have no intention of ever doing so. (I'm now 76, according to the calendar, and still 15 according to Kim.)

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Wait, this is a Substack with homework assignments? I didn't do them in school and now you expect me to start? I'll go read a few more of your stacks, but I'll share this with you. My maternal grandfather was my favorite until he died and then, magically, it transferred to my maternal grandmother. Also, my guess is that we don't live past our teens without feeling that some rug has been pulled. Now, that may be more about our feelings than the facts and the rug might have been only a small doormat, but stuff happens. I've had a few rugs pulled, but that's life (I prefer Three Dog Night to Frank Sinatra).

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Jan 19Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

Happy birthday, belated as I catch up on your writing. Counting down the days until I turn 59-10. I prefer that then the actual age for my own ego. If I wore it as well as you I would be happy. Stomach problems, and two back surgeries, this year alone, I felt the story of countless dr visits and waiting and waiting and waiting. Enjoy this wonderful stage of life happy and Healthy.

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

I must have just tripped over my own rug and stumbled my way into this heartwarming and heartbreaking story of your Grandpa Joe, 59, and the magical number 6. You must have been the cutest little trophy waving through the hospital doorway.

Is your birthday on the 15th? (I'm the 14th - but no party this year since it was the day after my colonoscopy and partying didn't have quite the same appeal lol).

If your Grandpa Joe were alive today, I'm sure he would be taking you out for a double scoop to celebrate your special day. Did you have a favorite flavor back then?

It sounds like you've had your share of bad medical things that were hard to stomach (see, I can pun too!), but I soooo applaud you for deciding to embrace life instead of endure.

You have a beautiful road ahead of you, especially with the number 6, which, when turned on it's side looks remarkably like a tiny sled that will take your smoothly through any weather.

Happy belated birthday, Carissa. Your party must have been fun... and yes, you and your sisters are beautiful!

PS - As an aside, I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism 20 years ago. The doctor (who has since, thankfully, retired) told me I would likely die on my way home from his office if I didn't let him give me radioactive iodine right then and there. I didn't. Since I'm writing this, I seem to still have made it. And life is wonderful.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

this was a nice read and a few laughs in there. I might share this with my mom too...

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Your mother did look like a Jewish Audrey Hepburn. Wow. Beautiful ❤️

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Nov 19, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

Welcome to the 60’s, man! They’re not so bad. Although, as a defender of the faith (i.e. publisher of Rule of Three), I think you’ve given the number three short shrift - attached is a Rule of Three column I published a couple of years ago, touting its benefits.


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Nov 17, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

Happiest Birthday, Lady! We're so GLAD you were BORN! Welcome to your Sexy Sixties! I'm so happy you had an amazing celebration with family and friends and that you are loving being 60. Huzzah for you!

My favorite grandparent was my Grandmother Rae--she was a smart, strong, funny woman--who reminded me so much of Katherine Hepburn.

The carpeting of my life getting pulled was when my husband (the person I most adored) left when our girls were 4 and 6. Suddenly, no carpet... and underneath--even worse--no floor... if there were any way to go back and be a better, more patient, funnier, kinder person and fix things, I would do it 100x over.

On a happier note, I love celebrating my bday by getting all of my friends together for a dinner where we table read a ridiculous play together--something Neil Simon or Oscar Wilde--where everyone brings their most performative selves.

Lastly, my favorite number is 9... the Hindu number of wealth, but also it's an age when I find kids really step into their full personalities, yet they'll still hold your hand when out walking :)

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Nov 16, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

Happy Birthday and all the best for 60.

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Nov 16, 2023·edited Nov 16, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

New reader. I saw my friend Sue Ferrera's note and came here to visit. My grandfathers were already gone when I was growing up. I did have a great-grandfather in Pennsylvania. We visited every summer driving from New Jersey. It was a 4 1/2 hour trip. He lived in a second floor apartment with a lovely bay window. When we would arrive he would be standing at the window waving enthusisastically. He was born in 1864. The first time I remember being with him he was The first time I remember seeing him wave was when I was about 8 so he was already 91. He taught me to play chinese checkers. I never won but he knew how to let the game fo on for a long time to make it fairly close. He had the most infectious laugh. This inspires me to write a story about him. I enjoyed your story immensely. I will be 75 on New Year's Eve. I don't feel a day over 74. At 60 was about the first time I really felt grown up. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Happy Birthday ~Vicki

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Nov 16, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

I loved this! And was so glad to be part of the celebration! I also really liked what you did with the last paragraph, personifying the numbers. So creative!

Also I loved hearing about Grandpa Joe. Wish I got to meet him.

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My favorite grandparent was my maternal grandfather, who passed away at the age of 69, when I was 18. He was a singer, and an occasional preacher. He and I had a playful relationship, full of bantering. I miss that.

The biggest rug to be pulled out from under me was when my mother passed away two years ago. Covid. She was 70.

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Nov 16, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

I love this! “I literally made the decision that everything was not just fine but great”. 💜🦋

6 harmony & stability 💗!

Idiopathic=psychosomatic 🤗💫💯🩵

60 is going to be your best year ever! And they are just going to get better…because YOU get to choose!

Mindfulness Books and Health Coach!!! YEEES!

Love love love the photos!

I love you and miss you! Sooo proud of you!

When we heal others we heal our selves 💙

Write a letter to the 5 year old picture of you!

Tell her about how AMAZING she turned out and how safe she is. And everything in between!

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Nov 16, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

You had a five year old Grandpa❤ This is the most wonderful thing ever, every child should have a Grandpa like that. It's no wonder your little core was totally shaken up to lose him.

Your post affected me at the deepest level because it felt like I was bearing witness to the most profound moments of your life. Thank you for that. You have shown us tremendous grief and joy and how they co-exist, how life is a rollercoaster of all of it. It is remarkable to hear about the personal work you have done to get to the place where you wholeheartedly honored your special birthday. This is one of the most uplifting and inspiring things I think you could do, or write about.

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Nov 16, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

Loved it!!! Happy Birthday 🎈🎁🎉🎊🎂

The best sentence, “...and there was love in the room” - said it all. 60 or 90 that’s all that matters. ❤️

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Nov 16, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

Happy birthday! I have belly issues, too, namely IBS. My gastroenterologist says, "the gut is the second brain." It has tons of neurons and makes all kinds of neurochemicals.... and it can affect your brain. I have anxiety as well, and the chemicals leaking from my anxious brain can trigger IBS symptoms in my gut... and then the gut starts sending out "help me" signals to the brain that can then trigger anxiety. And so it goes, found and round. Your approach is great! Your brain can make your body sick, so keeping a calm mind can lead to a calm brain and a healthier body. 😉 Good luck to you!

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