Jun 29Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

Hi Very cool and funny. I better get on board!!!!

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Emoji train is fun.

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Jun 29Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

🚂. Thanks!

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This was a good laugh. You've reminded me that I was going to write a story using only emoji. A bit if a challenge! When I was a child I used to love pictogram stories, a similar thing in some respects. As for understanding emoji, I think many are intended to convey a sense rather than a definitive meaning. That's my excuse anyway.

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Would love to see an emoji story. Thx for reading!

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I adopted the purple heart emoji at some point in my Substack journey - mostly because it matched my Stock Fiction motif. But now I use it EVERYWHERE. 💜 I also use 🥂 in lieu of 🙏🏼so I can feel edgy and unique. 😉 Lately I've been using 🪄and 🦄 more, sort of ironically to suggest I believe in magic or the power of wishy thinking when I usually feel more 😏 (smug) and 😡 (p.o.'d) about it. I also really enjoy the middle finger emoji which my phone allows me to use in texts but my computer doesn't allow me to use in emails or in your comment section. 🫠

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Jun 28Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

I loves emoji and this one 👹is my fave!

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That’s a good one. A cartoon devil.

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Jun 27Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

Love your list! As an elder millennial, I have the worst of both worlds: frequent text tone misunderstandings with my Gen x friends and getting roasted by the Gen zs for using emojis and gifs. I will never stop using gifs!!!!

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Oh no. Hopefully, they forgive you for being “old.” Hehe.

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Jun 27Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

You're interpretation of these emoji's are the best! As you know I am a big emoji user with very little variety on which ones I choose. I throw the ❤💕's around liberally because I love how they allow me to spread the love that I do truly mean. I know - 🤮, but true!

My husband only recently started using emojis and it was hilarious to watch him figure it out. At first he was so proud when he would send one that he would tell me every time!

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Haha. Go hubby.

I feel your love thru your words but the emojis are icing on a love-cake.

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Jun 27Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

❤️👍, CK!

I tend to go with compound emojis, to convey greater depth of feeling. My go-to these days is 😭😂, which is completely different from 😂😭. Emoji grammar. It's real.

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You have a great point. The order of posted emojis is crucial.

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Jun 27Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

I’m sick but can still do jazz hands.😂😂😂😂

🧖‍♀️ Currently busy becoming fluffy.

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Becoming fluffy. 😂

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Jun 26Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

Hilarious. Literally 😂, signed 🤓

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Jun 26Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

“I just got out of the pool” 😂 (That one’s either I’m crying from laughing or I banged my shin on the coffee table)

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Laughing better than shin busting.

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Jun 26Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

My most-used will always be 😎 because then it assures you that I’m cool, even if you think emojis aren’t. (I also like to pepper in a 🆒 here and there for extra assurance.)

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And “cool” could work in almost every situation.

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Jun 26Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

I really like marshmallows being roasted on your head. It's much better than a shower cap on fire, which was how I previously thought of that one. I also love Jazz Hands. An emoji combo I often use for the seizure & creative worlds is: 🧠⚡️... feels so potent!

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For you it can also work as “brilliant idea.”

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Jun 26Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

Like you, I can deliver a comment like a blunt instrument. Therefore with texting it is very important to go over the top with sweetness and light. My kids get annoyed if I use any periods in a text. They say it’s like using all caps. Or it indicates me being annoyed. This is not true. It is me using punctuation. I use the following emojis a lot: 😬😂😁😍🍑 the first is when something went wrong, the second it’s when something went wrong but it’s funny, the third is when something is funny, then there’s the ‘love you’ or really happy with hearts and finally, the bum. The last used only for my kids as a flash of rebellion. Great post!!

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A period is annoying?! Oy. That’s new.

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Jun 27Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

Yea. Apparently they take it as “aggressive” or “agro”

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What about an exclamation point? !!!!!

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Jun 29Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

That’s like a slap in the face or a scream fest!

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Jun 26Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

I’m always trying to add emojis to emails 😀

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I finally figured out how. Command+control+space bar.

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Jun 26Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

My top used include:


Anyone care to translate what that might mean?

I feel a strong need to add a emoji after my typed responses (just to clarify that I am joking and not take the words as seriously as they may initially read)… they give intonation to the text. 😬

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Same! Love your go-to’s.

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Jun 26Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

👁️ ❤️ UR 📝. 👁️ 🤣 & ❤️ 🔮 UR 📝 📨. ❤️💕❤️💕

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Awww. Thx sis! 😘😘😘

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