This is funny, and I'm realizing true! I hadn't given it much thought, but I don't think my kids listen to my voicemails either. My daughter will just call back. My son is hit or miss. But all and all, they are the best and not too much time ever goes by without some sign of life! 💕

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000ps….sent to me BUT read sent to you….

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Funny to read that you overwhelm your kid with SUBSTACK items by email. About a month into the ‘whelm’ hitting her inbox, she requested that it is ‘soooo much’ AND it must be sent to me only by text. That - a 72 year youngster - overwhelmed me, attempting to transfer ALL to text. Any suggestions?

And, what is about those under 70 people that prefer to read and communicate with a postage stamp size screen. Been loving my 13 inch IPad for five years and mostly refuse to communicate or much of anything with any cell phone.

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Great comment, Gary. I email and text articles. I try to text more often. At least the headline will be read. Hehe. Hubby loves iPad. I read on my phone or laptop.

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Enjoyed the read! Thanks! Kids! Can’t live with them, can’t live without them.

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Thx, MissLadyK. 🥰🙏

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I love the ease of texting, especially if I think of something that I need to tell someone in the middle of the night! Haha. But nothing replace the sound of the voice. Great essay!

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Thx, sis.

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If my millennials call me instead of texting, it's usually because they want something, like baby or cat sitting.

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Or money?

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Ha! They have more money than I do.

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My annoyance with the different levels of communication goes back to the humble cell phone, where now you call a single person instead of a household. No more do your kids' friends come to the door where you can get a good look at them and maybe even shake hands. Now the visitor just phones/text from the driveway and never darkens the door!

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Yes! Great observation! Parents must spy more. Hehe.

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BWAHA! Lordty, I remember beepers and actually having one. And I find it hilarious that your son needs to SEE and TALK to people, because I'm the opposite. I will email you or text you a goddamn book if I have to before picking up the phone. That may stem from my current job where I'm on the phone all fucking day. Peopleing is exhausting. Even when it's my own people. LOL

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It is easier to text. I should have added that a text is great if you need to think about a response first whereas in person you might say the wrong thing. And I do NOT have a poker face so my expression alone might injure someone’s feelings. I’m working on that.

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I am 76. Why people expect me to answer the phone, when my voicemail says ‘please stop calling. Text me’ is beyond me.

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Awesome CK. Would you consider adding “ In a family group chat of mostly Z or Millennials every comment will be responded to with at least one and preferably multiple emojis immediately so that the Boomers phones blow up within minutes with next level number of messages”.

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Perfect! Yes! Any response welcomed, even if it's an emoji. Hehe.

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ha, ha, ha! I will review this to fortify my strategies. I texted a quote I saw to our daughter: texts will be responded to in 10 business days-relatable?!

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10 business days? I wish my kids were predictable. Haha.

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If I don’t quickly reply to my teen’s texts she calls me to tell me to read them, but doesn’t want to just tell me what they say, even though we are on the phone together!

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Haha. It might be over- communicating! Haha.

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My voicemails for my boys are limited to "call me." Which I now realize is redundant. And futile. And yet, if one of them calls me (even the one I nicknamed "Spam Risk"), I'm on the job!

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Haha. Love “Spam Risk.” Hubby once had dramatic movie music as my ring tone.

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I think I behave like a juvenile delinquent-slash-GenZ person. I never answer the phone, I never leave messages, I'm a rabid texter, completely extravagant with the emojis, and more likely to text you back than ever email... but I'm a when it comes to multitasking... I have zero game. I'm a single-tasker all the way. That being said, I miss proper letters... and in that way, I think I'm already deep granny. 😂

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I’m shocked. I never imagined you as a single tasker. You are a Vegas quality juggler! That’s a compliment, BTW.

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I know to text both my kids. My daughter will call, and converse for HOURS. My son, rarely. I do see him in person though and her never because she lives far away. My MOTHER leaves long voicemails (to all of us) and refuses to text (for the most part), even though I’ve repeatedly told her if she *really* desires communication with my children, TEXT THEM. She continues to try to force what she wants, with no success. I don’t ever leave vm to the kids. I know they will see ive called, and if super important I’ll add a text.

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Keeping up with the K’s as in Kids! Go mama.

Your mom is hanging on to the rotary phone cord as tho it’s of the umbilical persuasion.

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I am absolutely yelling, because she definitely still has a rotary phone plugged in and everything. She always used to try to make the kids use it.

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Must see video of this. It will surely go viral.

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That means I have to go to her house. 😬😬😬😬 I could go when she isn’t there.

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Love this post! I laughed out loud at "Spawn Samantha"🤣 and the mug for your kids birth! Well done writing about this universal, age-related issue. When I hang around with friends who are still in their 30's or early 40's my mind is blown at their tech adaptation (they are like Samantha in her multi-tasking abilities) and they aren't even our kids age. I'm just like you, "I need proof of life or I'm calling the police or texting your gf".

Thanks for the laughs.

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Thx, Donna.

Okay now I’m impressed that you have friends in their 30s.

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It’s a small town🤣

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