Jun 24Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

I’m with Jeffrey - not a Mac fan. It’s tough to argue against the ubiquity of the iPhone, but, as an accountant, I’d be lost without Windows.

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It’s a tie in the comments between Mac and et al.

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Jun 23Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

very cute.

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Jun 15Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

1. I’m the tech guru for all the elderly people in my region. Very handy. I’m happy to try anything knowing that I’ll learn something from every session. I can’t fix everything but I’m definitely handy.

2. I have an Apple iPhone, iPad and watch, but use a Windows laptop. (Though I can help with Android and Mac issues if needed.)

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The elderly must love you.

Jane of all trades. 🙏🥰

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Jun 15Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

"It’s never a good sign when the Genius groans and grabs a thick cable. Jeffrey shook his head too. This was bad." Lol, hilarious and SO my own experience!

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Are you a Mac or PC gal?

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Jun 17Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

Mac... all that white shiny snazziness and it still doesn't work!

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Jun 14Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

“It didn’t matter that I was the only student, James wore the headset with microphone anyway.”

I love this so much! PEOPLE!

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A true professional.

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Jun 13Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

I'm allergic to Apple.


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Jun 13Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

what a lovely patient husband you have! I have a patient husband, too. It allows us to nap, eat cake and watch the Gilmore Girls...all super favs of mois. I am the tech guru in my family...a scary thought. Though the kids are all self sufficient and usually the "problems" I come up against really aren't to them. Great piece!

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Thx, Kim. Patient hubbies rock. 👊🏻

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Jun 13Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

BWAHA! Lurved this. I'm like Jeffrey, I don't do Mac (I have a Lenovo) and I, too, have an android phone (Google Pixel). The only Apple devices I have are my mini iPad and my iPod. To answer your questions:

Do you have a family tech guru? Yes, my niece's boyfriend. On the rare occasions he comes with her when she comes for a visit, I have a couple of computer questions for him. I have Webroot on my laptop and there were things that needed to be fixed on it. Enter the BF and all is right in my world now. LOL

Apple or PC? PC. Definitely. I've only ever worked on PCs, both at home and at work. Although, the last job I had where I WFH, they gave us Mac's and I was so glad I had to send it back when my assignment was done. It took me a while to get used to it.

Can you relate? I can SO relate. See question #1, but I'm not techy, either.

The ESD is interesting. I've NEVER heard of that. On top of the joke there, I also see potential book idea. LOL

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Great response. Your niece’s BF sounds like a mensch.

iPad mini for books?

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Jun 13Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

LOl. Yes, for the books. I have the Kindle app on there.

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Jun 13Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

Soooo much Greek in this story 😂 Might as well have been hieroglyphics!

I've always been a PC girl, I don't understand Mac at all. And I used to have a tech guru who fixed all my problems buy he took his brain to heaven with him. If i ever got a virus now? I'd be f**ked lol.

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Just call my hubby.

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Jun 13Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

Loved this. I’m a Mac diehard, but used to serve as tech support for my older neighbor with his PC. It was torturous. I found myself saying many of the same things about the PC that Jeff said about the Mac. The grass is never greener on the other side of the keyboard.

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That's hilarious.

So kind of you to help your old neighbor.

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Jun 12Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

Excited to watch your video! Are you going to post things on Tiktok? I keep thinking of doing this but procrastinating...

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I'm the last TikTok hold out. I heard they just closed the LA office.

What's your video idea? Do it!

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Jun 13Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

I have a few ideas but very little skills in the area of video editing

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Welcome to the club. :)

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Jun 12Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

I once set the clock on my in-laws' VCR, thereby becoming the family’s designated tech guru for all eternity. The bar is low. Very low. Too low for ants to Limbo under. That low.

As for Apple versus all else, we are a house divided. Which, thankfully, cuts my tech work down a bit.

Great piece!

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Haha. Great response. My sister was the one who pressed the record button on the VCR.

Glad your tech work has decreased.

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Jun 12Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

Before kids I was the tech person in our family. This is not cool because I know nothing. I simply Google how to do the thing and then experiment until I get it, sometimes. My husband is not techy. The kids leave us in the dust, as all kids do. They have told me that Engineers don't ever use Apple so I'm curious what computer your son uses for work. We are a Dell family with iphones🤣.

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Dell and iphones-- that's like using Lancome eye cream and Neutrogena face wash. Hehe.

Yes, the kids just either laugh or get frustrated with me.

Dylan uses an Asus. Mac not good for engineering either. What is it good for besides writing and Power point?

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Jun 13Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

Yes I knew Mac isn't good for Engineering. I love your face cream/wash analogy! Very true.

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Jun 12Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

I'm tech support for my parents and used to be tech support at the office for certain types of problem. I'm not particular good with technology - I was just about the last person I know to own a smartphone - but I am very good at a) research and b) following instructions. So I just google the problem and find how to fix it online. It mostly works. One time it didn't was with my iphone (there you go, the accursed Apple). I never did fix the problem, and had to use a workaround instead.

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You’re so helpful and clever. Mum and dad must be grateful. (Is it “mum” in NZ too?)

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Jun 12Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

Yes, we've got the English spelling here.

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Jun 12Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

I have a strong aversion to anything tech. Rick is slightly better than me, but together we still add up to "needing help." Good luck on the videos! Love your dog!!!

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Thx! Okay to get help when needed.

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Jun 12Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

I loved this story and I can, of course relate. I’m the techy in my family and used to have to press “record” on the DVD for my hubby. If I was the Apple guy, and you said you needed to “occupy” the store, I would’ve laughed so hard(and I did)! Thank you for starting my morning on the right foot. ❤️

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Haha! Pressing “record” button! You are my family Mac support.

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