I hear you on the ❤️- I want more too!!

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Dec 30, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

My NY plans will involve getting pizza from our local, awesome pizzeria. I look forward to this and one NY I was awfully upset when they were closed, only to find out after I cooked a lousy meal that they opened after all. We will also watch a movie.

In my previous life I spent many rocking NY dancing my face off in heels with stockings that had a line going up the back (it was the 80's, yikes!) but those days are long gone and sometimes it makes me a bit sad.

My wish for the coming year is to deepen the amazing connections I have made here, I am looking at you CK! Happy New Year Sweetie❤

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Dec 28, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

Great post - and I'm looking forward to reading your linked posts, too!

1. Opening and sharing a bottle of Prosecco, cooking and eating a delicious meal, bed by ten, electric blanket ON.

2. Same as usual - which, to quote Churchill, is to: 'KBO' (I can't use the full phrase here, because language... 😉)

3. YES! Lots of short-to-medium trips all around the UK in our campervan for a SECOND fabulous 18-month work project with my husband!

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Dec 28, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

New Year’s Eve-go to bed well before midnight. I dislike it. Another year over and older, the inexorable creep (or brisk walk these days) to even older and well, you know.

Aims - be less miserable about New Year’s Eve. Plus write more and longer.

No significant travel plans, just family visiting relatively (ha!) locally -by USA standards.

Hope your New Year is beautiful and bountiful!

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Dec 28, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

I'm always in bed before midnight on NYE lol. Super riveting, right?

My goal for 2024 is the end the train wreck I've been involved in for all of 2023. This has been one of my worst years on record and that's saying a LOT. I'm so over it.

Onward and upward. I'm finding tons of joy since getting back on Substack in September and it can only get better. I can feel it.

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1. Hubby wants a quiet night at home, but that’s every night. So we will probably go to our daughter’s party for a hour or so and maybe see the fireworks downtown. Then quiet at home, where he will sleep and I will read until at least midnight.

2. My main goal is to make significant progress on my portfolio for illustration work. I’ve also got a book launching in May, so I’ll be working toward that.

3. Hubby and I will celebrate 30 years of marriage in April, on the same day as the next total solar eclipse, so we’ve planned a road trip to Texas so we can see it in its totality.

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I like the New York New Year! Smart. I MIGHT go out to celebrate for the first time in a while. I heard about a local bar throwing a Gatsby-themed party. And I found myself peeking up at the notion of mingling. So, we’ll see if that happens. No guarantees! 🤣

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Dec 27, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

I’ve spent the last ten New Years at a monastery and this year no exception! It’s the best!

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Dec 27, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

-I don't do New Year's. Not sure why. So much hype that never truly delivered on the promise? But, if I do stay up to 'ring' it in, it will be at 9pm PST! :)

-Goals? Hmmm. I'm literally sitting at my computer with my notebooks open and spread around me trying to figure my goals out right now. Got distracted.

-No travel plans.

Holy crap, this sounds boring. OK, I'm going to take another stab at this...even if it's a stretch (to say the least.)

-New Year's is going to be a grand affair where we'll get dressed up in our finery (have to find it first.) and then go out to celebrate with a handful of like-minded friends (have to find those too.)

-Goals: 1) Earn a decent living again 2) Be present for every moment--good and bad (ie don't disassociate) 3) Support people I care about emotionally and spiritually (I don't even know what that means, but I really want to do this.) 4) Write for a living again, but differently. 5) Save for retirement (I think it's too late for this one, but I feel it should be a goal, however unattainable.)

-Travel - France. Croissants and gelato. Sweden. My family.

Yes, that sounds better. It's not my life, but at least it's not so boring! Actually, the goals I might be able to do something with.😅

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Dec 27, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

NYE is almost always contemplative for me; I think about the year past and the year ahead, express gratefulness and hope, and set flexible intentions.

I thought about travel plans but couldn't swing it this year - not enough time in between work weeks (middle of a project), still tired from getting sick twice in the past couple of months, switching insurances - too much stress, I wouldn't be able to relax and enjoy the trip!

However, I do hope to be able to relax a bit and enjoy parts of 2024 as it unfolds. Good wishes to you and your family! NY NYE is brilliant :-)

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Dec 27, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

New Years Eve / Day. The singular excuse for the year to use the punchbowl and forego the inevitability of being a victim of downsizing. Days of eating things in bite-sized options. Reminds us all of the superiority of tapas and the Spanish. Look forward to the continuation of your novel.

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Dec 27, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

I haven't read the post yet (I will!), but I just had to tell you that I LOVE the snowflake glaze - that bundt cake looks perfect, and if I were in your shoes I would definitely not change a thing. It looks perfectly festive just the way it is! ✨ I need to go feed the critters their lunch and then begin the always sad process of packing away the holiday decorations. 😥 After that, I'll read you reflective post in the hope of cheering up!

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New year's eve: early night. New year's Day: family party. Jan 2nd: dentist. I really do need to get a life

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Dec 27, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

1. Martinelli’s at midnight.

2. Keep doing what I’m doing. Go to California, and next Christmas in NYC.

3. Two trips to CA in 2024.

Gawd, I sound dull.

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