Love this piece, although my favourite word to describe a flight is ‘uneventful’.

I’ve been fantastic, but I enjoy fabulous more! 😀👏👏

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

This was a delightful (or should I say fantastic?) read. I feel like much like my favorite song, my favorite word changes with my mood. Lately I've been a big fan of juxtaposition, though check back in a week and you'll likely get a different answer.

I'll tell you what's NOT my favorite word, though: iridescent. Misspelling that cost me the 7th grade spelling bee!

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Love this. You just wrote a 1,000 word deep-dive on one of the most ubiquitous words of the English language. Good job!

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

I love how you explained Good Humor by why you love the word. My fav line was "Great - the red planet"🤣🤣🤣 I love how you explained good and I think, as a word, it's very good!

My favorite word is...no suprise...BRIGHT!

Bright means so many things to me, bright appearance, bright energy and engagement, bright intellectually, general vibrance, so many things.

Fantastic...nope. Doesn't work well for me. Great does.

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Oct 29, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

My favorite word is translucent. It's just so pretty. The syllables fall off the tongue like water. Lol. I'm good with good, but oddly less so with great in the past few years. I love fantastic, it's like the enthusiastic tense of Good. I don't have a Carol, but I know a couple of Eeyores.

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Oct 28, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

1. Create (favorite word)

2. I’m ok (not good) with good 😊

3. Fantabulous was my favorite word in my 20’s

4. Well Sometimes I am Carol or is it Karen 😂

Funny AF Females

I like words that start with F 😂

I loved reading this! 🤩

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Aw sorry I should have said what it means, this is the dictionary definition - make a whispering or rustling sound. "the grass susurrated underfoot". Not a word that you use, or see often but I've never forgotten it after seeing it in a book, it just sounds so good. There goes your word, much more useful!

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Oct 27, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

This was fantastic! I’m currently obsessed with the Sanskrit word sadhana. I don’t use it in speech or writing but it’s always on my mind as an ideal.

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My favorite word is serendipity because it’s fun to say and just as fun when it actually happens. I confess that I am one of those people that usually says, “I’m doing well,” when asked. I save fantastic for when it’s truly warranted. I always want to hear when someone is feeling fantastic, no matter how crappy my day is.

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Oct 27, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

Well, I love your rationale behind choosing the word 'GOOD'. And, if I might add, hidden in Good is Dog (the best species IMHO) and even O'Dog (if you are an Irish Wolfhound).

My favorite word is 'Kind'. Since you asked, I thought about 'Love', yet it can be fleeting and fickle. But 'Kind' is a word you can use in every situation. Even when there is vitriol, there is an opportunity to be kind.

Thanks for asking about 'Fantastic'. Yes, I have felt Fantastic. It's a sticky wicket to shout that out, though, unless you are good at reading the room/other person. So here's what I like to do. I try to be first at asking the other person 'How are you doing today?' If they say they are doing great and then they ask me how I am doing, I respond with, "If I were any better, I'd be YOU." Also included, big smile and eye contact! It always (really, always) gets a laugh and a smile. Now both of our days are Fantastic.

Oh, that Carol thing. 99.9% of the time I don't go there. Even if I'm around a Carol I look for the upside. I'm gonna blame that on my Dad, who was the eternal optimist. Love DNA. He could turn any frown upside down.

Great post!

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Oct 26, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

Funny AF Women sounds about right.

Favourite word? I don't know how to choose, but I like 'amaranth', it has a warmth that I find appealing. Also 'clusterfuck' because it is perfectly descriptive of those times when nothing works out.

I once knew a chap who, when asked how he was, would respond with a wide grin 'I am EXCELLENT, thank you!'. It was wonderfully uplifting, like a ray of sunshine breaking through. I tried it too, but I just felt like a self-satisfied idiot.

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Enjoyed this post. I like Funny AF Women for the title and my favourite word might be susserate. I just love the sound it makes.

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Oct 26, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

Hard to find a favourite word, because I love 90% of them, but I'm partial to "bug". I was obsessed with insects as a child, and bug works as a colloquial term for insects and other creepy-crawlies, while also having a distinct techincal meaning (order Hemiptera for anyone who cares). Also works for microbes and diseases (another obsession) and as a verb.

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Oct 26, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

Good is lovely, but f**k is phenomenal! When there's nothing left to say... f**k is all there is... and the thing is I couldn't say it for more than a year because of my dumb accident... Puck, puck, buck, buck, vuck, vuck... then after all that speech therapy and singing... f**k! I do have a Carol in my life and she is so distinctively negativo and I love her so much, but I DO have to be ultra careful who I sit her next to at dinner parties or that person could be very cross with me for a super long time. The Carols of Perpetual Negativity, who make me feel bad about me or my path, I usually have to let go because even I can only weather so much :)

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Great post. Great is good. But my favourite word, ever since a school exchange visit to France, is "scaphandre".

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Oct 26, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

Periwinkle. Is that a good (fantastic ) word or what? I wanted a periwinkle car but my wife said no, although she admitted it would be easy to find in the parking lot.

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