I admit it, I'm a closet nose picker. But I don't buy the research. One of the cited articles claims that "Chlamydia pneumoniae" is present in most human brains of people who had late onset dementia (https://www.sciencealert.com/mouse-study-suggests-an-unexpected-link-between-nose-picking-and-alzheimers), but I would argue that the boffins haven't dissected most human brains, and who knows if the stuff isn't in EVERYONE'S brains by the time they reach old age, or if Alzheimer's somehow causes the brain to allow the bacteria in. Basically, even for a math-challenged person like me, the numbers don't add up. According to the Alzheimer's Association, " The lifetime risk for Alzheimer’s at age 45 is 1 in 5 for women and 1 in 10 for men." (https://www.alz.org/alzheimers-dementia/facts-figures). That means that women who have lived to become 45 years old have a 20% chance of someday being afflicted with Alzheimer's, and men have a 10% chance - if 90% of us admit to nose picking, and nose picking did indeed lead to Alzheimer's, I would think the odds of getting Alzheimer's would be higher. So I intend to continue to pick away - some of those boogers aren't going to come out by blowing alone! 😂

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Exactly! I have to live my life. Hehehe. Thx for reading!

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Well we all do it, but certainly not in public like some people I know! I’d like to offer this particular person, an adult btw, a tissue. Is that ok? We honestly don’t think they even realize they’re doing it, because it’s ALL THE TIME! Input?

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Truth! It’s an unconscious habit for some.

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You are hilarious! I laughed throughout the post. I never told you but I used to hide my picks in your fluffy hair! Haha!

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No you did not!

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Jeez, can you find any MORE uncomfortable, disgusting topics (you're looking over your list of future ideas, aren't you)? If you go online you'll find the former Italian PM Berlusconi caught in that very exact unfortunate "gotcha"- and more. When I was a kid, like Wendy Parciak, I littered my wall and bedframe with the "dirt" (I cannot stand the words boogers and farts, and you insist on writing about them both- a lot!). Then I tried to scrape the off with a nail clipper file (I was 8 or 10), ruining the paint AND the bed frame. These awful moments are seared into my memory forever, and thanks to YOU, I'm FORCED to expose them and be humiliated for entertainment purposes!

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Haha! Did I trigger? My short explanation for Aging Gratefully is that I include body parts and functions and that I have the sense of humor of a 14 year old boy and you've been warned.:) Glad you made it through the piece. Thx for being here and congrats again on starting your own Stack! I'm hoping I was an inspiration?

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You're ALWAYS an inspiration! I've been warned, and still engaged, so no harm, but yes- "triggered" on what are easily my most uncomfortable topics. I can discuss autopsies and finding body parts in tree, but farts in an elevator, or picking one's nose? I remember the one Seinfeld episode about nose picking; did they ever tackle the "aroma" topic?

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There must be a bad smell episode. A stinky date.

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Okay, this essay made me laugh uncomfortably! When I was a kid and supposedly falling asleep at night, I would plaster the pickings to the wall above my bed, where they were disguised by the flowered wallpaper. At least I outgrew that particular habit!

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Haha. Love these confessions!

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As an allergy sufferer, the struggle is real. But, I make the extraction with a tissued digit. Not that there isn't break-through sometimes. I swear, what I create could be used for mortar. xo

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Haha. I’ve tried the tissued digit. The struggle is real.

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Of course I pick my nose. I can’t believe that 10% of the population doesn’t...how can they breathe? Is there some sort of other method of booger removal. I actually worry that one of my offspring doesn’t pick. Or at least had hidden it very well from the age of nothing. And since he can’t hid anything I’m guessing he is of this imaginary 10%. I am not into this news. I think the “non-pickers” might have just forgotten!

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LOL. Yes we should worry about those who don’t enjoy a good pick. Your kid doesn’t hide it under the mattress? Nothing there when you change the sheets? Hehehe.

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