Wonderful image of your 'ma'. I remember our walking in Jerusalem, she in her high heeled

Guccis, me in my flats. She has always been glamorous. Lucky you...good genes:)

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You both are gorgeous. I loved the low-sodium vegetable soup. That’s her dream?! Such fun, lovely warmth in trying times.

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Thank you, Liba. It's been tough writing comedy. It helps alleviate some of the pain tho.

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Your mom sounds like a hoot. And, Ted is laugh-out-loud funny. Ted 2, I don’t know.

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Mom rocks. Ted 2 got a little serious unexpectedly.

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"And, mom is still gorgeous. 87 is the new 67." She absolutely is. What an amazing mother you have. I love her sense of style and your shared sense of humour. Fabulous read. Thank you.

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Thank you, Patricia.

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What a fabulous article about your mom. She sounds like she belongs on an episode of Mrs. Maisel!!

Lovely hearing you read it, too.

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Thx, Daphne! We love Mrs. Maisel.

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Fancy or casual? What’s your preference? Caz

Do you eat like it’s 1976? wouldn't be alive if I did

Any sharable stories about your ma? she's crazier than me... an thats saying something : )

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Now I want to know more about your ma.

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I love this piece! I have the attention span of a gnat and rarely does a Substack hold my attention but I stopped and read yours until the very end.

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Thx, Christy. 🙏 My essays are usually shorter but I felt ma needed a few more words.

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“The ketchup dripping in her Rolex” is the most perfect, beautiful description ever! I know exactly who your mom is from that sentence!

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Haha. Thx for reading. 🙏

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Loved this post! I feel like I know your mom now.

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So glad. Thx, Victoria.

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This paints a perfectly accurate picture of grandma. I love how you show how she is so unapologetically herself.

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Yes. We can all learn from her. 🥰

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You're both gorgeous, each in your own way, and so blessed to appreciate each other. Such love.

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Thank you so much, Ofifoto.

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Just a joyful celebration of your Mom. My favorite part of all of it is your breezing tolerance about your differences. Most everyone in this world could learn something about tolerance from this great profile. Bravo. PS you and your Mom look GREAT.

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Thx, Mark. Mutual respect and appreciation is key. ❤️

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I love your mom! Mine is 79 and has post-polio syndrome, so I treasure the time we have together. We went clothes shopping last week. Just a wonderful stack, thank you, new fan.💕

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Shopping with mom. Awesome.Thank you so much, Sheila. 🥰🙏

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Ahhh! How endearing to learn about your mom and your enduring love. Nothing like a momma with a guffaw!

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I loved reading this essay about mom! It was so right on in every way. And I love your “comedy” bond with her. Great piece! ❤️

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Thx, sis. Love you.

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"Besides my mom’s bathroom being one of 260 CVS locations on Long Island" love it!

My mom was also a nice dresser -- though not major labels like Jimmy Choo -- we were a Jones of NY kind of crowd -- it was the 80s-90s. She was a size 16 and always looked great. Of course I spent my teen years "hiding the mail" before my step-father came home and saw the bills.

I once went shopping with her at Nordstrom. She encouraged me -- and by that I mean pressured me -- to buy all sorts of things. A leather jacket, a designer purse... It was her dime... sort of. Her favorite purchase for me were black block heeled dress shoes... I called them nun shoes. She said that was probably as close to the convent as I was gonna get.

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I love your responses. Great story about your mom and hiding the cc bills. Nun shoes were in.

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