So sweet. Thank you for sharing this spot of joy.

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

When I was reading this, I was a little tense because I was expecting the other shoe to drop. Like, ok, something REALLY bad happened at school. Needless to say, I felt relieved for your kids. Because kids can be SO evil sometimes. Experienced the N-word for the first time in 6th grade (6th grade!), and, like you, I wondered where he learned it from. At that age, it has to be the parents, right? The kid's name was Damon (so close to Demon) and he was a bit of an asshole bully. I'm hoping he tried using that word again when he got older in an environment he shouldn't have and either got fired or got his ass kicked. #karma

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

Hugs to you, my friend. Today and every day.

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Nov 3, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

Sending hugs.

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

Beautifully written. The way your kids took to it so innocently makes a huge impact. But this is something I would not really want to keep going on. Hug a Jew turns into Smother a Jew turns into make a Jew wear a yellow star. Do we have hug a Muslim day? Or any other hug-a-anybody day? Sounds creepy. Plus I’m shomer negiah (I don’t touch the opposite gender except family) this would be so awkward.

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

I've learned so much from this beautifully-written exploration of a complicated subject. A wonderful post - thank you. ♥️

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

Only the mother can be known with certainty, notwithstanding modern surrogacy. I would have thought that's the reason. Nothing to do with feminism or who raises the children. (Is their something wrong with equality of rights and dignity for women? 🤔 Because that's feminism.)

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

This is a beautiful story that, as a mother, is also unnerving.

I have sat here writing line after line and deleting them because I simply don't know what to say. I feel like I just stuck my head above the sand and the world up here is carrying on in some bizarre manner that is based on a set of rules I don't understand. The guidelines that I know are based on hugs and mutual respect regardless of all the things. Sending you and your family and friends so much love and a million hugs. xox

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Nov 1, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

What a beautiful story and so innocent looking back on it with today's eyes. It scares me to think what 'huge a jew day' could mean with everyone seemingly going to crazy town at the moment. I agree with one of the writers below that October 7th should be a special hug a jew day, reach out to your jewish friends day (if you are too far away for a hug) and a day to honour all the innocence lost on that day. Sending you a big hug from afar. xo

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Nov 1, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

A very nice story and timely Carissa. A fair amount to unpack. My FAVORITE part of the story is the natural anxiety and uncertainty of you as a parent about what this is about. Meanwhile children are pure and have the gift of that freshness. Your kids just had a blast. The children themselves were not hung up on "the mother decides the religion" -- everyone gets a hug -- this is an example of why the young present the best hope for the future.

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Nov 1, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

Sending you virtual hugs!! Xoxo💕

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I'm not really big on hugs, more of a handshaker. But we can all use a good hug sometimes...

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I'm not really big on hugs, more of a handshaker. But we can all use a good hug sometimes...

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When I asked why the Rosenbloom children went to Catholic mass and not temple, my mother explained that it was the woman who determined the religion. I asked why. She said, "Because we can be sure who the mother is." I was in fourth grade. Sending loads of hugs, Carissa. xo

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Please accept a virtual hug from me in these trying times.

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Nov 1, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

Every year on October 7 we should have the holiday called hug a Jew. Great story filled with innocence and truth. Hugs to all Jews

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