Aug 13, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

Love this! What an amazing band! Love the pics!

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Aug 10, 2023·edited Aug 10, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

I love this story! It's so Jeffrey! And I love all the memories. I haven't thought about many of the things you mentioned in 40 years!

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Your section about holiday slides reminds me of a cartoon in a film making magazine many moons ago. There's a guy standing on a window ledge ready to jump, and a man leaning out 9f the window saying "Ok, I WON'T show my holiday movies"

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I'm a space freak too. For a long time I thought Star Trek was a documentary.

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Aug 10, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

What a fun night out! I'm with you in calculating what time a concert will get me home and how the dog will fare before making any sort of decision.

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Aug 10, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

1. Did G-d, the universe, source, have other plans for you?

Not sure, but I hope it’s a multiverse still full of plans because I don’t feel quite done!

2. Have you ever been to a slide show?

Loads, but my fave was the Are You there God, it’s Me Margaret-syle period one they showed us in middle school because it was so exciting to finally be growing up! Little did I know it was all going to be so Carrie-esque!

3. Who would you like to meet?

Joni Mitchell... to jam!

4. I’m hungry.

For cake or pie, always... :)

5. Fake conversations between astronauts provided by Jeffrey. Thanks, hun.

Aww... So sweet.


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Aug 9, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

My hubby is a space nut too and would love this concert. Did you catch my 70's husband reference there? Anyone at a slide show likely called their spouse a hubby🤣 Yes, I've been to many a slide show and watched my folks down far too many rye (instead of rum, that's Canadian lingo for whiskey) and cokes while puffing on their cigs enjoying the show while I was very bored eating the Cheez Whiz!

You nailed it exactly, well done!

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Aug 9, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

My uncle’s slideshows were part of every summer vacation and I loved them!

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Aug 9, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

I wanted to be a veterinarian when I grew up. Unfortunately, I took high school biology in the mid-seventies, back when people thought there was nothing wrong with live dissection. One day, the biology teacher produced a live frog and explained that she would remove his heart (after he was anestisized) so we could see that it continued to beat after removal, something that many kids in our rural community already knew from seeing the way beheaded chickens behaved (not beheaded for weird culty reasons, but for eventual consumption!). Anyway, normally well behaved and mild mannered me pitched a monster of a hissy fit and was sent for my first and only trip to the principal's office - upon hearing why I was there, the principal sent me to the guidance counselor, who advised me to pick a career that did not involve live dissection (which he explained would be required if I made it to vet school). So I became an English major. Of course, if I'd been born a generation later, I would have had no problem - nowadays, students get to use realistic anatomical models instead of dissection and live dissection is no longer the norm.

I mostly "missed out" on slideshows in my youth, except for school presentations. I thought they were cool, but they were a novelty to me. I saw some later after marrying into my husband's family, who had made several fascinating trips together.

I would like to meet Garrison Keillor. 😊

I HAVE met Cady Coleman, back when we lived in MA. My husband and I ran a Macintosh computer repair business, and Ms. Coleman's hubby, Josh Simpson, was one of our loyal customers. They are both very nice people! Cady gave our kids autographed pictures of her in her space gear, and Josh gave them cool glass "planets" ( one of his specialties). Small world.... 🌎

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Imagine growing up to be astronauts AND rock stars! Love it. xo

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Aug 9, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

First of all the compliments. For me, writing of this sort is artful if it inspires memories. You, of course, sprinkle in some giggles also. Great.

What a fun concert! You are lucky as it doesn't seem the Bandellas get around much. They would be a fun destination concert. You must have been close to the Apollo 11 anniversary. So cool.

ASTRONAUTS -- I've often wondered about space travel. Like most everything on Earth nobody manages to play well with others. The US was too proud to accept cosmonauts so we went astronauts (which always reminds me of dumb astrology). I see China uses taikonauts and the Indians use vyomanauts. We suck at getting along and we all pretend we figured it out.

SLIDESHOWS -- One set of my wife's grandparents were extensive travelers and organized a community travel club. The great grandma used to come to our house some weekends and she would run slideshows like the old days. China, India, etal. Whatever we made for breakfast she would cram leftovers in her purse presumably for later. The kids tolerated it because it meant a great brunch. My fave memory of June was meeting her. She was wearing the most unusual of "necklaces". I commented on her most unusual necklace and she said oh we got it in Afghanistan. I said oh, my I've never known anyone who went to Afghanistan. She says we went there twice. She kept her DL into her early 90s. June lived to 102 (a few days short of 103) -- she was the consummate storyteller.

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