I loved this, Amanda is one of my favourites

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And Charlotte is one of mine!

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She’s a find. 🥰

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Loved this interview. Thanks, CK!!!

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Loved this interview! Nice to meet you, Amanda. If the White Castle chain is still in business, I could avoid that one til I become fossilized. But as dreadful names go, Ruth’s Chris is a true stumper.

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Thank you so much, Tara, and lovely to meet you! I'll confess I've always been tempted to try White Castle, but I've held the line so far. And, yes, Ruth's Chris has vaulted to the top of my list!

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Trust that I’ll be riveted to your review if you try White Castle—or if you decide to walk by. Some people swear by the stuff. Whew.

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Ahhhhhh such a great interview! How can I love Amanda even more???? But I dooooooo!!

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Shellllllyyyyyyy! It's Mutuuuuuual!! I love your writing! Thank you so much!

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Loved this interview! Amanda, I have the same apostrophe problem with Ruth’s Chris Steak House. Maybe that could be a contender for your Carl’s Jr. replacement?

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OMG, Chris. I'd completely forgotten about Ruth's Chris Steak House! That misbegotten apostrophe positively makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, so yes! Leading contender! We should meet there for dinner some time and correct all the menus!

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I’m in, Amanda! I’ll bring the Wite-Out! (I don’t love that it doesn’t have an “h,” but at least it doesn’t have an apostrophe either.)

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I laughed "out loud" about your collectibles all stored away ready for take-off until they were not.

The Orange County Duke Club will miss you and Mark at our holiday gathering at the Pelican Hill Resort.... that is if someone plans it. Keep on writing!!

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Thank you, Susan, and thank you for taking the time to read and comment! Sorry we can't be there for the planning....

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Enjoyed this. Wait, you mean Mark chews ice too? Alissa does this and it's SO annoying. Must be a Jaffe thing.

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And so does the adult child temporarily living with us, Matt, so I'm getting it in stereo! Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment!

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Great interview. The E stands for "earsplitting".

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I don't know how I made it through two kids and only went once, but yes -- "earsplitting" sounds familiar. Thank you for reading and commenting, Renee!

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In addition to restaurants, I'm open to anyplace I might pass by on a regular basis while driving with my husband that will lend itself to a question. My current top contender is, "Did you ever wonder what the "E" in Chuck E. Cheese stands for?" (Thanks to Alex Dobrenko, I know it stands for "Entertainment," but don't tell my husband.)

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Good morning! To answer your question, CK, I never felt stifled! Singapore was the place where I found my creative voice and, in many ways, felt the freest I’ve ever felt. Then again, the sound of chewing makes me squirm (so no gum!), I’m pro-toilet flushing, and I’m not into public nudity. Singapore is like a big parent. When it comes to parenting, we all have our hard lines, right? But once you get past those, a lot of parenting is a choice between telling your kids to “have fun” and “be happy” or telling your kids to “be careful” and “be thoughtful of others.” Singapore chooses “be careful” and “be thoughtful.” It’s not that Singapore doesn’t want people to have fun and be happy. But it does seem to think that if people are careful and thoughtful, they’ll get into fewer situations where they become unhappy and, therefore, have more reasons to be the opposite of unhappy, i.e., happy.

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Love these interviews!

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