My fave is the contractor opening the bag of chips

Packaging, am I right? : )

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Indeed. I need to carry scissors with me. Thx for watching!

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You're so silly. I'm not much of a video watcher. On Substack. LOL I'm here to read.

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Thx for watching. I'm finding that Substackers like to read. Oh so different on IG.

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Yes! Which is where I actually watch videos. LOL

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I’m good with videos every now and again. And holy shit, Seinfeld?!? I didn’t know that about you. Very cool.

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Thx, Henny. 🥰🙏

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Cute videos! I’m mostly here to read, but occasional videos included in posts could be nice. I haven’t watched one live yet though. But what do I know? I’m just teddy bear. 🧸

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Thx, Teddy. Love your signature and name of your stack.

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You’re welcome. Thanks. I appreciate that! Snuggles.

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You’re adorable. I’ll watch anything you share. But I’ll be honest, I spend so much time with moving image that my brain errs toward the written word when I’m over here in Substacklandia! 💛

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I get it. Sometimes I’m in a waiting room reading Substacks and I can’t suddenly play a video. Hehe.

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Woah woah woah, you were on SEINFELD? I had no idea. This is my favorite show of all time. I can’t believe this isn’t at the top of everything you write. I don’t know if I’d be able to shut up about it

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Haha. That would funny actually. Ie: Here’s a thoughtful poem, and I was in Seinfeld. Or, How to eat healthy, and I was in Seinfeld. 😂😂

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To heighten, just say you were in TWO episodes. I mean, you got knocked down by Kramer. I'd never let it go haha

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I typically prefer reading to video, but you have the gift of brevity and focus, and the contractor in #3 definitely tickled my funny bone. Costumes! Props! I’m hiring you to open the breakfast cereal next.

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I've got my jig saw ready. Hehe.

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Very cute. I definitely chuckled.

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Thx, Liba. 🥰🙏

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I like em!! And here's a proximate subject: An article about the life lessons we can draw from comedy LEGEND Steve Martin! 😂 https://tinyurl.com/3x69paxu

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1. good not great

2. smile, smile, chuckle

3. no

You have a very emotive face and smile.

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Thx, Mark. 🥰🙏

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Bahaha... 😂 I LOVE your facial expressions! I love the forgetting one as I am constantly in this mode due to brain fog. The contractor is hilarious... I need one for chips, but also to do my makeup--loads of spackle required these days! I love that you did Seinfeld. I need to see your episodes! :)

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I need spackle too! Home Depot should sell skin care in their dry wall department. 😉

Brain fog from age, epilepsy, both? I’ve been having awful brain fog lately. Sigh.

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I love your videos, but I liked the chip bag video best as well. I've purchased an assortment of tools for kitchen use only, including scissors, pliers, wire cutters, and metal snips, as well as a really cool jar opener that came from my inlaw's house, a sort of sharp edged triangle with lots of tiny teeth that's mounted on the bottom of the cabinet - the thing can be lethal if I slip, but it works wonders. I got tired of the so-called "easy-open packaging" (HAH!) mocking me. Maybe I should bring in the sledgehammer from the garage for those items that are especially annoying...

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Thx, Jeannine. I may do a series with the contractor. Opening a pill bottle, a battery package…

Jar opener sounds great.

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Oh yes, please open a pickle jar. (Kosher, of course.)

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The contractor is a fun character. The jar opener is similar to this one, but more dangerous... the side pieces look like rows of shark teeth! (https://www.amazon.com/Stainless-Steel-Opener-Weak-Hands/dp/B09R8HBFQ9/ref=asc_df_B09R8HBFQ9?mcid=fcf20098f87d3134941e8de1c8483d47&tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693675163650&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=9142328109109140675&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=t&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9002318&hvtargid=pla-1678218225267&psc=1) I think my in-laws bought it before manufacturers had to worry so much about liability.

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That is quite the contraption. Thx for sharing.

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C'est nada. 😁

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French and Spanish!

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Unfortunately, I'm not enough of a polyglot to keep it going, otherwise it could get to be fun!

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I always enjoy your videos, CK. I still need to watch your Seinfeld eps; I didn’t know there were two!

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I double dipped as in, appeared twice.

Thx, Chris. 🥰🙏

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I want to watch your Seinfeld episode again! I don't think I've seen that one since it first came out. I love that you make your videos out of regular life things but admit I also loved the one that was not meant to be funny (I don't think) when you were shopping and telling us about it. It was quite awhile ago and you were talking about shoes (do I have that wrong?). Anyway, it was great too.

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Thx, sweetie. 🥰🙏

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It’s the middle of the night and I’m catching up on Substack because I couldn’t sleep, so possibly not the best time for me to rate these. They’re very American. And no I’ve not noticed many videos in Notes. Any videos I do watch tend to be nature-based - birds and fungi and things like that. Thank you for humouring Hamish and having a go. Hugs from afar.

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Hope my videos didn’t put you back to sleep. 😉

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Unfortunately No. Grin. But thankfully once I settled back down I managed another couple of hours. Thank goodness.

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I hate those middle of the night wakey-wakeys.

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Okay, now I'm gonna have to try those techniques next time I'm frustrated by a bag of chips...

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I can recommend a good contractor.

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