I'm a sucker for pretty containers you say. Me too! Particularly ones that are opaque and un-stackable. What goes in rarely comes out. Like a mini garage in each room. They do a (possibly too good?) job at containing things. Like life in prison.

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Apr 19, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

A fun post as we sold our home of many years. For me a mixed blessing although it was way beyond our needs. Lotsa homes over the years but one in each city. At least for us, the best part of each place was making it your own without regard to future saleability or whatever. An expression of my Dad's comes to mind -- we aren't raising a lawn, we are raising children. Your Substack presented mental challenges for me!!! When I explore a new Stack I always start at the beginning and skip across to get a sense of the flavor. My journey started here.

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Thx for reading. I think my stacks are stand alone stories or I will add a link for reference. As empty nesters hubby and I are raising a lawn. He’s even got the riding mower.

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Apr 1, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

🤣🤣 I feel honored to have made it into a story! - Courtney (aka the house cleaner)

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This is why I straighten up first-- so you don't have to worry about moving crap around and concentrate on your wonderful work!

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Cleaning up for the house cleaner; I always do this! I fear that the mess and the clutter could offer someone a glimpse into my soul. 😒

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Yes! I have a neat soul. Promise.

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I loved the last sentence, and it was so my pattern for decades, always at least an hour "getting ready" for the cleaning service, however, it tended to be my husbands piles that I eventually just gave up on. With Covid, and health issues that have kept me isolating, I started a new routine. Light dusting and dust mopping (along with light straightening) very single day. Then on weekends do major cleaning (dusting books shelves, cleaning toilet, etc) over 2 days, upstairs on Saturday, downstairs on Sunday, and I count all my cleaning as part of my exercise regime, which makes means I don't feel as guilty when I don't walk! (smile)

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Haha. I was thinking of writing a post about folding laundry while standing on one leg being part of my exercise routine.

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Mar 22, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

So funny and so true! I love the picture of the kids. Adorable!

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Mar 22, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

I can't help but wonder why people clean up their house before the cleaner arrives. She is paid to do that job! It is almost like going to a restaurant and telling the waiter don't bother, I will pick up my own food and bring it to the table and then tip him.

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Haha. If the wait staff is too busy I’ll retrieve a place setting from the wait station.

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Mar 25, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

We even took the dirty dishes to the kitchen this morning at our favourite cafe as they were short staffed and overwhelmed. Told them I didn’t know how to wash up though 😂

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Love it! They must have been very appreciative.

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Mar 22, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

So funny

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Mar 22, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

Thanks for another funny post to which I can totally relate! The de-cluttering of my house will begin today. Well, maybe tomorrow -- there's just too much to do...

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You got this!

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Mar 22, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

Spring cleaning must be in the air! I'm writing about it for my Sunday newsletter.

I'm a basket girl too. Somewhere along the way, I heard (or just decided?) they were the ticket for organization in small spaces. Now I just have lots of dusty baskets piled high with stuff and I'm not more organized.

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Yay! I’m not the only one!

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Mar 22, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

The whole time I was reading this, I was thinking "I can't wait to comment on what WE do in hotel rooms, even KNOWING a maid comes through". We leave it like we just got there and it was never used. I don't understand that, but it is inherent in our neatness genes. Then I got to the end- a huge chuckle! I actually didn't see that coming, being so engrossed in the "move".

I've moved over 20 times in my adult life (trying to stay one step ahead of the law; you know the drill) and with each move I leave behind something too big to take with me; my golf clubs, a glass computer desk, my first flat screen that cost $7000 (only 40 inches, but ti was the biggest and most expensive), WITH the accompanying glass shelved TV stand. You can't accumulate "stuff" if you only drive a Dodge Caliber; a fun little car, but the operative word is "little".

I've slept on everything from patio wicker loveseats dragged inside to use as a bed, to circular, double-king beds with custom-made sheets (as we all did in Beverly Hills, no?). Now, I'm in a home (not THAT kind of home- yet) going on 14 years, owned by my wife for 38 years. The amount of "stuff" I've allowed myself to accumulate- even though you won't see one piece of it anywhere but my office- is horrendous, and either requires that I die here, or burn it all.

I have 100,000 piece lifetime Elvis collection that was SUPPOSED to be MY daughter's college education, before I realized that Elvis collectors horde; they don't buy. I have a baseball hat collection that I could switch out headwear everyday of the year, and you'll never see the same one twice. Vinyl record albums, screenplay teaching material, office supplies, every Ryobi power equipment ever made, my dust collector some folks call a piano, filing cabinets stuffed to the gills, hardcover books- because I can't see the print on a Kindle; more Tupperware than China- not actual china plates, but Hunter's business partners. It's not a question of "if", but "when" I'm asked to vacate by my lovely spouse, my entire life's worth will be left behind so she can have the thrill of a month-long burn barrel party accompanied by a shot a Jack each and every night. She'll clean and dust completely- which is usually MY job since I work at home- until every memory of me is whisked away thoroughly. Then- and only then- will she hire the Merry Maids service.

We are ALL just neurotic imbeciles- with gastrointestinal issues.

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Haha. Love your collections. I may do a series of newsletter on thei topic. It hits home. I want to know more about your Elvis and baseball hat collection

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Mar 22, 2023Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

LOL! I know that feeling well - cleaning up for the house cleaner.

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