14 hrs agoLiked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

l Love this piece. Beautifully written. I miss my boy everyday. This boy who, thankfully is thriving and not missing me.

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He’s too busy to miss his mama.

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But the dog may be worrying about them moving in !

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Jun 1Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

Great piece! You’re right about the grandkids (my wife and I have five), although we get deathly ill after every visit with them - an immunity issue, I suppose.

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It’s universal.

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May 30Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

Now that I see how confusing my kid being independent in college is--I am so glad I spaced them out in the ridiculous way I did and had my kids way too late.

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May 28Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

To quote a great question from a Seinfeld episode—Do you ever yearn?

I do this whenever I visit my BFFs or vice versa. I cry when see them and cry when I have to leave--or they leave. My BFF also lives in MA, but in the city of Concord.

I just ate a whole chocolate bar. What did you just consume? I brownie. LOL

How’s your day? My day started off with an appt with a gyno, so.... LOL. I wish every weekend was a 4-day weekend. Or, at least, a 4-day work week.

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You know the trials of the heart. 💜

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Your pain touched the same nerve in my heart that begins aching 24 hours before I have to leave my adult children. Ugh. Go pet the dog. It helps!

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Fellow empty nester. 🙏 Thx for reading and commenting. 🥰

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May 24Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

This is a good reminder for when my tweens are driving me up the wall, haha. For real, though, we moved closer to my in-laws when we had kids and it's a lifesaver just knowing they're nearby if needed

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Lucky in laws! When we lived for a year near Jeff’s step ma she was threatened and resentful of the idea of baby sitting our kids. I learned what I will never do with my kids.

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May 23Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

I loved this essay, very much from the heart. I feel it too every time I say goodbye to my daughter. We raise our kids to leave the nest, but we will never know how far they will fly. I pray each day that my daughter and I can live closer. Thanks for sharing your feelings.

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Thx, sis. We share an emotional nest and for that I'm grateful.

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May 23Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

Thank you for this gorgeous, heart-centered piece. There ARE two parts to your heart - the heart you've left behind with your lovely kids and the heart you share with us as you write. I have been surprised how difficult it is to say good-bye each time, I thought it would get easier, so reading this felt like you were nurturing me from the inside out. Thank you!

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I thought it would get easier too! We know the love grows like a Redwood but no one tells you the heartache persists.

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May 23Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

CK Steefel: What a wonderful spirit you share and happy pictures of your beautiful family and a generous, loving spirit. Thank you so very much for sharing of your heart.

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Thank you for reading and commenting. 🥰🙏

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May 23Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel

Once I read that having a child was like having your heart walking outside of your body and this essay reminded me of that. 💖

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Great quote. Thx for sharing. 🙏

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